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Tuesday, November 29, 2016


* Theme- I think the theme is motivational since he was able to change from not caring about things into a poet.
* Tone- I think the tone is serious, everything he said in the story was from experience.
* Mood- the mood for me is dispersing, he went through a struggle but still had hope and changed.
* Devices- devices used in this are metaphors and similes.

Album of the Week #10

Dom Kennedy - By Dom Kennedy

Monday, November 28, 2016

My Mad Dream of An Essay

[Thanks Lesley!  Thought this posted Friday but it got stuck in Drafts. -dp]

Treat the following like your own personal Mad Libs.  Copy and paste the following to a post on your blog [title: MY MAD DREAM OF AN ESSAY]. Fill in the blanks to write your own story.  Then answer the prompt at the bottom.  Feel free to spoof this, play with a friend or relative, read it out loud at the Thanksgiving table, etc.

Remember that time you ate that spicy fish just before you went to bed on the night before the big IceJJFish Concert?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the short details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a jesus' trap house  waiting to be sent to North Korea.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect goofy goober, looking like a crazy hippo who could eat a whole mailbox.   

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "[your favorite quote from his essay]."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to jump.  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy house and bed and then you had make a faithful spous to go back in time to the club so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and tell them to vote for other candidates .

But right there in the club  there was a giant purse and it started shooting at everyone.  People started to sing.  You grabbed a jacket from a nearby lamp  and yelled FREE X.  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

  Decisions are the most important things we have to do, decide what to do. Some choices can be good and others can be bad, but most of the time we still back up our decisions. Decisions are hard most of the time since we can't always change them, what happens, happens. Decisions make us who we are, we learn from our bad ones and succeed with the good ones.
  One of the best decisions I made was change friends. A few years ago, I was hanging around with the wrong crowd. They would always go steal from places and hang out with gangsters. I felt uncomfortable being with them, I never wanted to steal and I never did, but I still hung around with them. I stopped hanging out with them and they would make fun of me for awhile, but they stopped a few weeks later because they knew calling me names wouldn't change my mind on continuing to hang with them.
  "To be yourself in the world instead of being something else is a great accomplishment". This was probably one of my favorite quotes from Emerson's Essay, it's exactly what I did. It's better to be yourself and know you're wrong then to do things you dislike. A lot of people are quite, like me, and don't like to speak up when they need help with school work or anything else. People like myself need to start speaking up and not being scared anymore, how can you learn without overcoming obstacles? 
  "We don't want to change the Future. We don't belong here in the Past. The government doesn't like us here. We have to pay big graft to keep our franchise. A Time Machine is finicky business. Not knowing it, we might kill an important animal, a small bird, a roach, a flower even, thus destroying an important link in a growing species." This was probably my favorite quests in from A Sound of Thunder.   Messing with the past isn't always s good thing. Like messing with an ex, she's in the past for a reason, mistakes are worth learning from. Messing with the past can change the future, say I'm doing good but I go back to hanging out with the wrong people. I just fucked up my future for choosing to go back with the wrong crowd instead of trying to better myself. 
  Our decisions will always matter.if someone thinks otherwise, then they're incorrect.  It's like people who don't vote because they think their decisions doesn't matter, but if they would of gone out to vote maybe the outcome would of been different. Our decisions are usually permanently, so think wisely before deciding on something big. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

study guide

Study Guide for Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the story or appear in the story or class discussion. expendable: to be used only once
infinitesimally: Extremely small
Primeval: resembling the earliest ages of the history of the world
Resilient: able to recover quickly from difficult situations
 revoke: take away
Sheathed: put weapon in protective covering
subliminal: below the threshold of sensation or consciousness
taint: trace of bad quality
undulate: move with a smooth wave like motion
 II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story. foreshadowing: warning or indication (a future event)
Describe what is foreshadowed in the story: Eckles being warned of not going out of the path or he will change time.
Who is the protagonist of this story? The protagonist of the story is Eckles.
 QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions.
1. What company does Eckels visit? Eckles goes to Time Safari, Inc.
2. What are the penalties for disobeying instructions? $10,000 fine for disobeying
3. About what is Eckels thankful?
4. What did some people want to do if Deutscher had won the election and why? people would want to go live in 1492 to form safaris.
5. What does the man behind the desk tell Eckels happened last year that makes Eckels think about going on the safari? 6 safari leaders and a dozen hunters died last year
6. Who is the Safari Leader?Mr.Travis is the safari leader
7. How many people besides Eckels are on the trip? Name them. Travis, Lesperance, Billings and Kramer
8. What does Travis tell Eckels is the best way to kill a dinosaur? Best wqay to kill a dinosaur is to shoot its eyes first
9. When the hunters arrive at their destination, what does Travis tell them hasn’t happened yet in history? He said Christ hasn't been born yet.
10. How many years did the men travel?the men traveled sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years
11. What is the antigravity metal path and why must the men stay on it? That is the Path
12. What happened to the machine and the men’s clothes before they made their journey?
13. Why do the men wear oxygen helmets?
14. What is unique about the dinosaurs that the men can shoot? The dinosaurs are marked with red paint
15. What is a paradox? Where you can't meet yourself somewhere that you've be tricked to beige
16. What does Eckels jokingly pre
17. How does the reader know Eckels is afraid? He gets scared and goes off the path
18. What does Eckels say when he sees the size of the dinosaur? He sees how big the dinosaur is, the size of a building
19. How do the men know which dinosaurs they can shoot? The dinosaur is marked with red paint
20. Where was Eckels on his way to when he stepped off the path? He was on his way back into the time machine
21. What do Billings and Kramer do after the dinosaur is dead? They told eckels to clean himself up
22. What does Lesperance offer Billings and Kramer that they turn down?
23. What does Travis tell Eckels they are going to do to him? Leave him in the past
24. What does Travis make Eckels do in order to go back with them? Take the bullets out of the dinosaur
25. What does Eckels notice about the sign on their return? The words are spelled differently
26. What does Eckels find on the bottom of his boots? He stepped on a butterfly
27. What does Eckels learn about the election? The person who won before they went to the past lost when he returned to the future
28. What is the reader to infer that Travis does to Eckels? Travis shoots eckels.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Undulate - move with a smooth wake like motion 
Paradox - a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictor
Stagnate - (of water or air) cease to flow or move; become stagnant
Tonnage - weight in tons 
Scrabble - scratch or gripe around with one's finger 
Phlegm - the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, especially when produced in excessive or abnormal quantities, e.g., when someone is suffering from a cold
Finicky - fussy about one's needs or requirements
Merest - that is solely or no more or better than what is specified 
militarist - belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
Loins - the part of the body on both sides of the spine between the lowest (false) ribs and the hipbones

Monday, November 14, 2016

An Earth-shattering Fart

The first thing I thought after finishing this was the "butterfly effect". How one small thing can have such a huge effect on life.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Emerson's Child

Emerson would want us to learn the way that we'd choose to pursue our goals. He wouldn't want us to do anything specific, just find a way to do it and stick to it. Emerson said "What I must do is all concerned to me, not what the people think" this is basically what he'd want us to do, not give a fuck what others think of your way. He'd believe us and be proud of us for being us and not what others want us to me.
   I think Emerson would support us in achieve anything we desire to. He wouldn't look down or think he's better than others for something we want to accomplish. I think he would only jump in and try to change things if we gave up on our goals. "Treat others how you want to be treated", that's how he would feel about us giving up. He knows someone would do the same if he were in that position. Emerson is like one of those cool ass teachers that like to fuck around but get serious when needed to.
   After school, he would want us to do whatever we'd like. "Do not think the youth has no force" since we're the youth, he knows we have to power to do anything we could dream of. To follow our dreams is what he would wish for. For example, the election. Trump won, he chose to run for president and won it. Emerson would support him because he didn't care what others said or think about him and he still accomplish his goal. Emerson would want us to trust ourselves and do whatever we think is right. To speak our minds and not listen to people thinking otherwise. If we payed attention and only followed, we wouldn't be ourselves.
   To prepare for all this he would tell us to study. Study everything that our career may need from the start to the end. He wouldn't just want us to go into something and have no knowledge about the subject. Like say I wanted to be a music producer, I'm not just going to try going to a univerty or college and known nothing about the subject. He'd want us to expirment with the subject and get used to it. It's like trying to go star in a big movie and know nothing about acting, you can't just jump into something, you have to learn.
   "To be great is to be misunderstood", people will always question your actions, but you will always know why you did what you did. No one's opinion should matter, if you're happy with what you do then embrace it. If all we did was worry about what others have to think or say, then we'd be nothing more than weak minded beings. Emerson would want us to be us and follow what we yearn for.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emerson presentation day 3

"What I must do is all that concerned me, not what the people think"
"To be yourself in the world instead of being something else is a great accomplishment"
Keep overcoming the hate, be successful
"Trust thyself, every heart beats to the iron string"
Trust yourself , be confident
"Don't worry about what others think or say, be yourself"
"The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tracks"

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Emerson's presentation day 2

To say a quote that we like and explain why we like it "nothing can bring you peace but yourself" 
"Treat others how you want to be treated" 
"Trust yourself"
Emerson tone - formal, serious, optimistic, inspirational, hopeful, sensor 
Jason and abby don't want us to forget to be self reliant 
Ofillia choose quotes she liked and explained why 
"Trust thyself"
"Society is a wave"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"
Jay's quote 
"If you are Nobel, I will love you and if you're not I will not judge you" 

It talks about respect and others opinion 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Emerson for the young buck

Emerson's essay taught me a few things. One is to do whatever I want and not follow other people. Second, to not let people take advantage of me, to speak up. Another thing is to believe in yourself, that young people have power too. The essay on Self-Reliance could teach many people a thing or two.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Emerson said it

1. do not think the youth has no force."
2. For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure."
3. "All men have my blood and I have all mans."
4. "Be yourself"
5. " the soul is no traveler"
The first one's I got from my friends. They didn't explain to me what they meant to them but I'm gonna say what they mean to me. The first one is not to underestimate the youth, that we do have power. The second one to me means that others will try to put you down for something that's not your fault. The third one, to me, means that we're all alike, we share similar things. The fourth one is to not doubt yourself and not to let others try to bring you down. The last one is where ever you go, you're always you.

Monday, October 31, 2016

I'm self-reliant

From what I read, I feel like Emerson sees people as sheep who only follow. He talks a lot about religion. One quote I didn't understand was "He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness." I still need a bit to finish, but I'll read the rest in the morning.

Album of the week #7

A$AP Mob - Cozy Tapes, vol 1: Friends
R.I.P. A$AP Yams

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Recently one of my favorite rappers, xxxtentacion, got sent to jail again. This time was because his girlfriend accused him of hitting her while she's pregnant. She made a gofundme and made triple x pay $5,000 and scammed others, in total she made about 12K. She wasn't even pregnant and X didn't hit her, she got jumped by some people. I think it's pretty fucked up accusing someone of something they didn't do.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mapping My Mind

On the mind map, I put up some vocabulary, answered a question, edited things, and deleted some things that were put on the same tab thing. I think this will help because everyone could study off the mindmap.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vocab list #6

Nervous system - collection center of body
Blog - web log
Meme - any idea that spreads through people
Virus - any kind of software that corrupts the ability for a computer to function
Wiki- a site where anyone could write about
URL - uniform resource locator
Website - a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web
Www - World Wide Web
Internet - global communication network
2.0 - internet that is interactive
Open source - a type of software that is public and that anyone can view

Monday, October 10, 2016

Album of the week #4

Mac Miller - The Divine feminine

Team vocab

We all know Donald Trump is a venomous person. In the other hand Hillary is a Stolid person compared to Trump. Trump looked hypnotized during the debate. Trump shall be suspended. Trump transformed the debate into a joke. He accused people all the time. He starts to anticipate things. He plans to build a fringe between Mexico and the U.S. He makes people feel melancholy. trump never speaks earnestly. That's why he always gets dissolved.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Letter to mentor

there are two people that I think might be able to answer my big questions. A medium and a doctor. mediums claim to be able to talk to spirits, so that maybe be one way to find out. Doctors because they might of had patients that were in a near death experience or that might of died and came back to life. The doctor or even the patient could tel one what they experienced during the time they were "dead".

Monday, October 3, 2016

Album of the week #3

Bas - Too High To Riot

Vocab #5

  1. venomous - capable of injection venom by means of a bite or sting 
  2. stolid - calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation 
  3. hypnotized - capture the whole attention of someone 
  4. suspended - temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force of effect 
  5. transformed - make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance or character 
  6. accuse - charge someone with an offense or crime 
  7. anticipate - regard as probable; except or predict 
  8. fringe - an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed in tassels or twists  
  9. melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
  10. earnestly - serious
  11. dissolve -  become of cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution 
  12. aggravate - make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious 
  13. illuminate - lights up 
  14. capillary - any of the fine branching blood vessels 
  15. proboscis - the nose or a mammal, especially when it's long and mobile, like an elephants 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Respect my Authority ?

I just see people with authority as what they are, people with authority. Some people abuse their authority. For example, all the cops killing African Americans more and more, they also shot a 6 yes old recently. I think authority should not be abused, people should use it for helpful things, to help other and let people know they're there for help. I don't know if this made sense or not, so yeah.

Album of the week #2

Jay Rock - 90059

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Inciting incident

The story for me was pretty weird but I liked it. The way how he's just alone, doing his own thing, how he doesn't follow other. The part that kinda tripped me out was whine there was no one in the cop car and how he still listened to the car, even though there was no cop.

Monday, September 26, 2016


The debates between both Hilary and Trump are pretty funny. Everytime Hilary says something about trump, he makes some pretty funny facial expressions. He always interrupts Hilary when she's speaking but Hilary really didn't do that. Hilary says Says Trump thinks climate change is a hoax done by the Chinese and that Hilary wants to make a clean economy. On social media all I see are meme's about the debate and people talking shit about Trump.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Anti-bullying assembly

One thing they did in the assembly was put a white screen on the stage, a girl behind it, and a light pointing our way so we could see her shadow. Every time the national guard would finish talking about some important things about the different ways of bullying, they'd do some kinda of act where the girl was writing in her diary and saying all the different ways they bully her. Every time they showed each type of bullying she got, cyber, social, physical, verbal. In the last scene she talked about how she wanted her parents to be happy after she killed herself. That was basically all that happened, they said it's always good to be in someone's business if they're feeling like harming themselves.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Album of the Week #1

Flatbush Zombies - 3001: A Laced Odyssey

Vocab #4

intermittent -  not continuous or steady 

ebb - gradually lessen or reduce 

regress -  return to a former or less development state 

tendency - an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior 

antiseptic - denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganism  

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Vocab test

1. My 6th period class is banal because it's history.

2. Gucci Mane is germane in the rap game.

3. I ramified ketchup on to my burger.

4. Our football team is tenable in every game.

5. My friend/rapper Leo is taciturn.

6. Most girls nowadays are insatiable.

7. My play in 6th period has to be substantiate to show what we're preforming really happened.

8. Reconnaissance plays a big roll in Chemistry.

9. I will emulate my past-self and do good in school this year.

10. My friend had coherent points on why this school year is the most important out of all four years.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Vocabulary #3

Coherent -  logical and consistent 

Belabor - argue about something in excessive details

Acquisitive - excessively interested in acquiring money or material things 

Emulate - surpass a person or achievement

Banal - lacking originality, being boring

Expration - the ending of the fixed period for which a contract is valid

Congeal - to thicken

Carping - difficult to please; critical

Substantiate - providing evidence to support

Temporize - avoid making a decision

Largesse - generosity

Tenable - able to defend against attack or objectio

Insatiable - impossible to satisfy

Reconnaissance - observing

Germane - relevant

Ramify - to spread

Intransigent - unwilling to change someone's views about something

Taciturn - quiet and serious

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

I received an A- on my essay and I was kinda surprised. I received this grade because I did what was needed and added details from the stories. I think I've done everything, but I didn't get that good of a grade on vocab, so I think I should get either an A- or B+

Friday, September 9, 2016

Top five underground rappers 🔥

1. Clint Norway
2. Xavier wulf
3. Allstar Noves
4. Ramirez
5. Yoshi Thompkins

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Top 5 Albums/mixtapes of the year

Bas -Too High to Riot 
Isaiah Rashad - The Sun's Tirade 
Vince Staple - Prima Donna
Lil Yachty- Lil Boat
The Underachievers - It Happned in Flatbush

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

vocab #2


  1. faith - complete trust or confidence in someone or something
  2. Threshold - a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a door way 
  3. Tarry - stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place 
  4. Resolve - firm determination to do something
  5. discern - perceive or recognize 
  6. Martyr - a person who is killed because of their religion 
  7. Mirth - amusement 
  8. Catechism - instructions for Christians 
  9. pious - devoutly religious
  10. Frenzy - a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior

Sunday, August 28, 2016

YGB questions

1. I think the purpose of the story is how people could believe anything.
2. I think Faith's name doesn't suit her, because she's not who Goodman thought she was, at first he did have faith in her, but at the end, he didn't trust anyone.
3. I think the pink ribbons signified faith.
4. I think everything Goodman saw was just a dream, because the next morning he walks into Salem and is greeted by by the minister and ask him a question about God.
5. I think the old man was the Devil, i know this because the old lady who worships him said so.
6. For me, the staff represents deception because he see's the snake moving but he's not sure if it is or not.
7.If Brown wouldn't of gone out into the forest, he wouldn't have meet the devil, seen how his town truly is, and would still have faith.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Theme: center message of a story
Tone: to repeat the author's attitude toward the audience, or the topic, or the characters
Mood: readers emotion while we read
Diction: the words an author uses to tell a story
Syntax: the way the author puts the words together
Stupid: lacking intelligence or common sense
Adumbrate: report or represent in outline
Apotheosis: the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax
Ascetic: characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons
Bauble: a small, showy trinket or decoration
Burgeon: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
Complement: a thing that completes or brings to perfection
Contumacious: (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority
a bad-tempered or surly person.
Didactic: intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Young Goodman Brown

i thought the story was weird. I think that actually happened, that it wasn't a dream. the village is probably satanic but Goodman never knew.

response to "Conscience of a Hacker"

i thought the story showed how some are different from others, but same in a kind of way. How curiosity can be dangerous, but we still try to find out what we want.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Big Question

It doesn't let me comment, so I'm just gonna put my questions here.
Is there an afterlife ? Is reincarnation real ?

Earth on Turtle's Back Notes

Katie said people would rather listen to the original version instead of a new one.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ancient stories

i think the language is the same as modern time, nothing's really different. I think it's pretty important for a story to stay original, if someone says it differently then it's a different story.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

response to "The Earth on Turtle's Back"

I liked this short story because I've never heard one like this, about how the earth began because of a woman who fell from the sky.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


I'm Luis from 3rd period


Richard Cory shows how being rich doesn't always mean you're living a happy life. I think being being rich would be nice, but I wouldn't let it control or change me.